
Jason Y. Sproul

Smart people are especially prone to stupid mistakes – Boing Boing


Jonah Lehrer takes to The New Yorker to discuss Thinking, Fast and Slow, the latest book from Daniel Kahneman, a psychologist who’s won the Nobel prize in economics. Lehrer discusses Kahneman’s contention that smart people are no less prone to cognitive bias than anyone else, but are prone to believing that they are immune to error. Kahneman himself admits that he makes systematic cognitive errors all the time, even though he’s devoted his career to studying them.

This has particularly grim implications for a society that thinks it is a meritocracy but is really an oligarchy, because the competitively educated people at the top believe (incorrectly) that they don’t need to have their intuitions reviewed by lesser mortals.

Smart people are especially prone to stupid mistakes – Boing Boing.

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